Active surveillance testing – rapid testing Articles

COVID-19 | 5.20.20

CoachCare HIPAA-compliant Virtual Tools for Clinics During COVID-19

CoachCare’s comprehensive, HIPAA-compliant suite of virtual tools will help you stay connected to patients while practicing social distancing...

HAIs: Types and Pathogens | 8.6.19

Antiseptic Stewardship: A Call to Action

The use of commercially available topical and surface antiseptics has increased as a result of antibiotic resistance and the antimicrobial...

HAIs: Types and Pathogens | 4.8.19

How TimeAlert® IV Aids Compliance and Reminds Nurses When It’s Time to Change IV Tubing

Infection prevention is a high priority for hospitals as the related costs are skyrocketing and reimbursements are threatened by HAIs....

HAIs: Types and Pathogens | 4.8.19

It’s Time for a Change. How to Use TimeAlert® IV Time-indicating Reminder Labels to Aid Compliance

In a recent survey of nursing leaders, 86% agreed that visual reminders are effective in prompting nurses to take action....

Diagnostics | 7.12.18

Presurgical Molecular Testing for Staphylococcal Nasal Colonization

Routine molecular testing of the nares for the presence of Staphylococcus aureus followed by targeted decolonization of patients carrying either...

Diagnostics | 7.12.18

Trending Topics in C. difficile Diagnosis and Reporting

Data from the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) demonstrates that changing C. difficile test method alone will not decrease a...

Diagnostics | 4.24.18

Rapid Molecular Diagnostics: Supporting CDC’s Four Core Actions to Fight Antimicrobial Resistance

CDC has declared the complex problem of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) a serious threat today, which will result in potential catastrophic...

Diagnostics | 4.24.18

Diagnosing C. difficile: New Guidelines, Familiar Challenges

As lab testing technologies, infection control policies, and reporting metrics have evolved over the years, the diagnosis of C. difficile ...